Syksy| Autumn | Otoño

When you think Finland can’t be more nice, autumn arrives.



Fall colours, or “ruska” for finnish people, aren’t so nice in anywhere else than in here.


Thank you Finland, for show me these amazing landscapes everyday.


All the pictures were taken
in Kärsämäki, 3/10/2016

Good Bye Camilla !


I publish this article a little late just to say a last good bye to Camilla. During these last months, you was my best friend in Kärsämäki, my accomplice and my confidant ! I was really happy to meet you and I will miss you a lot ! I will remember always with pleasure of our afternoons under the sun with some beers and mud cakes ! 🙂 I wish you all the best for your future, at personal and professional level ! I hope you will become one day a famous photographer, but I’m not worried about it. You are a beautiful person full of talent ! Maybe, see you if one day I visit you in Italy or if you visit me in France. You will always be the welcomed !

Je publie cet article un peu en retard juste pour dire un dernier au revoir à Camilla. Pendant ces derniers mois, tu étais ma meilleure amie à Kärsämäki, ma complice et ma confidente. J’ai été très heureuse de te rencontrer et tu vas beaucoup me manquer ! Je me souviendrai toujours avec plaisir de nos après-midis sous le soleil avec nos bières et nos mud cakes ! 🙂 Je te souhaite le meilleur pour la suite, au niveau personnel et professionnel ! J’espère qu’un jour, tu deviendras une célèbre photographe, mais je ne suis pas inquiète pour ça. Tu es une belle personne pleine de talent ! Peut-être à plus si un jour, je te rends visite en Italie ou si tu me rends visite en France. Tu seras toujours la bienvenue !

Camilla’s art

camilla presentation

Since recently enough, we had the pleasure to discover the work of Camilla, an Italian photographer who are in residency since January. She made a presentation of her photos in the auditorium ad it was really interesting to admire her beautiful Finland’s photos and to have in the same time her vision about it.

Depuis assez récemment, nous avons eu le plaisir de découvrir le travail de Camilla, une photographe Italienne qui est en résidence depuis Janvier. Elle nous a fait une présentation de ses photos dans l’auditorium et c’était vraiment intéressant d’admirer ses belles photos de Finlande et d’avoir en même temps la vision qu’elle en a.


Camilla organised also “Come un fiume”, an exhibition about eating disorders thematic. Once again, It was captivating to have her explanations about her photos. By this way, we can realize that it’s not only simple photos but life’s experiences. I was in the same time impressed, by the work of Camilla, by her thought, and moved by this sad subject. This exhibition also means that the end of Camilla’s residency is now close enough. And I don’t want !!!!! 😦 😦 😦 I got very attached to her and her absence will leave a great void !

Camilla a aussi organisé “Come un fiume”, une exposition sur la thématique des troubles alimentaires. Une fois de plus, c’était captivant d’avoir ses explications sur ses photos. De cette manière, nous pouvons nous rendre que ce ce ne sont pas juste de simples photos mais des expériences de vie. J’étais en même temps impressionnée, par le travail de Camilla, par sa réflexion, et émue par ce triste sujet. Cette exposition signifie aussi que la fin du séjour de Camilla est maintenant proche. Et j’ai pas envie !!!! 😦 😦 😦  Je me suis beaucoup attachée à elle et son absence va laisser un grand vide !


Trivia Goh


The last month, we were lucky to welcome Trivia, a very nice and talented artist. Trivia gave us the pleasure to share with us her work, but also her quirky spirit and her grain of folly. She also made us discover her culture with a little presentation of Singapore really interesting.

Le mois dernier, nous avons eu la chance d’accueillir Trivia, une très gentille et talentueuse artiste. Trivia nous a fait le plaisir de partager avec nous son travail, mais aussi son esprit décalé et son brin de folie. Elle nous a également fait découvrir sa culture avec une petite présentation de Singapour vraiment intéressante.


Trivia organized a workshop designed to show her way to work, but also to prove that everybody have imagination and is able to draw. From simples shapes, we had to create a creature and to personalise it by giving it a name. It was very interesting even if I will remain all my life a pathetic drawer.

Trivia a organisé un atelier destiné à montrer sa manière de travailler, mais aussi pour prouver que tout le monde a de l’imagination et est capable de dessiner. A partir de simples formes, nous devions créer une créature et la personnaliser en lui donnant un nom. C’était très intéressant même si je resterai toute ma vie une pitoyable dessinatrice.


Trivia also organized en exhibition in our house during 8 days. There was even an article in the newspaper about it ! Once again, her work was magnificent and mind-blowing !

Trivia a aussi organisé une exposition dans notre maison durant 8 jours. Il y a même eu un article dans le journal à ce sujet ! Une fois encore, son travail était magnifique et époustouflant !

Imaginary trip: SPAIN!

Hello followers!

On February 19 we had the imaginary trip to Spain in Nahkuri, and it was an amazing afternoon!

Sarai (a Spanish artist) and I prepare the decoration, with flags and emblematic photos of different parts of our country, for example Cordoba’s Mosque in Andalucia, Christopher Columbus in Barcelona, Concha’s  beach in the Basque Country, and painters like Picasso and writers like Federico García Lorca.
The autonomous communities represented on the walls were Catalonia, the Basque Country, Galicia, Andalucia and Madrid.


Some people participated in the cooking workshop, we were about two hours preparing rich Spanish food! (Omelette, toast, cheesecake…). Sarai and I thought it would be enough food, but Jaana insisted in do more, and thank goodness, because all the food within 20 minutes is over.


I did not expect so many people, really. It was an entertaining evening.

Finally, we made a presentation about the things we like best about our country and about the different regions of Spain along with videos.

Thank you very much to all guests!


–    Toasts:
Hard bread (Buy bread one or two days before for it is more hard).
Cinnamon (sticks)
Olive oil
bananas and honey  and Whipped Cream (if you want)

Boil the milk with cinnamon and sugar. When this is cool, wet the bread in milk.
Then, wet in beaten egg. Then fry in the pan.
Finally, add the cinnamon and sugar on top (and other things like honey if you want).

–    Omelette:
Olive oil
Cut and thoroughly wash the potatoes. Frying with a lot of oil.
Put them in beaten egg and when they are well blended, to the pan.
When it is donde below, you have to flip. 6-7 eggs, 800 grams of potatoes more or less.

–    Spicy potatoes
Olive oil
Only, cut and wash the potatoes and fry in the pan.
The sauce (ali-oli) is made with a couple of garlic,
1-2 eggs and oil. And the mixer. (It is best done by hand, but it takes a long time).

–    Cheese cake
whipping cream
cheeses (like  philadelphia)
2 natural yoghurts

It depends on how much quantity you want, but in general: 5 eggs, 7 cheeses, 200ml whipping cream,
2 yogurts, 2 yogurt cups flour, 2 yogurt cups sugar, 4 cups yogurt milk.
Mix everything in a blender and baked with cinnamon on top. 45 min-180º (it depend on oven)

– Sangría.
Fruits (like apple, pineapple, orange, lemon…)
Red wine ( in this case without alcohol)
Soda (a bottle of soda for each two of wine)

Cut fruits and add. Add the wine and the juice of lemons. After soda and sugar.
Allow to cool or add ice.

Hola a todos los seguidores!
El día 19 de febrero tuvimos el viaje imaginario sobre España en Nahkuri, y fue una tarde increíble!

Sarai (una artista española) y yo preparamos la decoración, con banderas y fotos emblemáticas de diferentes partes de nuestro país, por ejemplo la mezquita Córdoba en Andalucía, Cristóbal Colón en Barcelona, la playa de la Concha en el País Vasco, y pintores como Picasso o escritores como Federico García Lorca. Las Comunidades Autónomas representadas en las paredes fueron Cataluña, País Vasco, Galicia, Andalucía y Madrid.

Algunas personas participaron en el taller de cocina, estuvimos unas dos horas  preparando rica comida española! (tortilla de patata, torrijas, tarta de queso…) Sarai y yo creíamos que iba a sobrar comida, pero Jaana insistió en hacer más, y menos mal, porque se acabó toda la comida a los 20 minutos.

Yo no esperaba tanta gente, la verdad.  Fue una tarde entretenida.

Para finalizar, hicimos una presentación acerca de las cosas que más nos gustan sobre nuestro país y sobre las diferentes regiones de España junto con algún vídeo.

Muchas gracias a todos los asistentes!


–    Torrijas
Pan duro
Aceite de oliva
+Plátanos y miel y Nata montada (si quieres)

Hervimos la leche, con las ramas de canela y el azúcar, después dejamos enfriar.
Cuando se haya enfriado vamos a pasar el pan por la leche, mojando bien por todos lados.
Después pasaremos cada una de estas rebanadas por el huevo batido. Después a freir en la sartén.
Cuando estén frías le espolvoreamos canela y azúcar.

–    Tortilla de patatas

Cortar y lavar las patatas. Freirlas. Ponerlas en huevo batido y cuando este bien mezclado a la sarten.
6-7 huevos, 800 gramos de patatas

-Patatas bravas

Cortarlas y lavarlas bien. Hacerlas en la sartén y añadir el alioli.
Hecho con 1-2 ajos y un par de huevos en la batidora.
Es mejor hacerlo a mano pero lleva bastante más tiempo.

-Tarta de queso
Nata de montar
2 Yogures

Depende de cuánto quieras hacer, pero en general: 5 huevos, 7 quesitos, 200ml de nata de montar,
2 yogures, 2 vasos de yogur de harina, 2 vasos de yogur de azúcar, 4 vasos de yogur
de leche.
Se mezla todo en la batidora y se mete al horno con canela por encima. 45 min-180º (depende del horno)

Training in Kokkola

villa elba

The last week in Kokkola was really great ! And I want to thank sincerely the organizers of Villa Elba for all their efforts in the organization of this amazing training. It was very pleasant and interesting to meet so many people of different nationalities and personalities ! The atmosphere was nice and friendly with a lot of exchanges but also a lot of laugh. Now, my memory is full of funny times with all these people that I was lucky to meet. I hope having the occasion to see again some of them !

Le week-end dernier à Kokkola était fantastique ! Et je voudrais vivement remercier les organisateurs de Villa Elba pour tous leurs efforts dans l’organisation de cette incroyable formation. C’était très agréable et intéressant de rencontrer tant de personnes de différentes nationalités et personnalités ! L’ambiance était sympa et bon enfants, rythmée par de nombreux échanges, mais aussi beaucoup d’éclats de rire. Maintenant, ma mémoire est remplie de moments drôles avec tous ces gens que j’ai eu la chance de rencontrer. J’espère avoir la chance de revoir certains d’entre eux !

amis finlande

 Moreover, we were in a magnificent environment, surrounded by the nature and the silence. It’s incredible because it never stop to snow in Kokkola. I think I haven’t seen so much snow since a very long time ! This place must be very beautiful to see also in summer with the sea and the vegetation which rebirth.

Par ailleurs, nous étions dans un cadre magnifique, encerclés par la nature et le silence. C’est incroyable parce qu’à Kokkola, il ne s’arrête jamais de neiger . Je crois que je n’avais pas vu autant de neige depuis un très long moment ! Cet endroit doit être très beau également en été avec la mer et la végétation qui renaît.


And then ? What more can I say ? We ate well enough (too much). I must took 5 kilos more… We visited Kokkola which is not the best town of the world but which is cute enough. I love these houses (photos above) which reminds me dolls houses ! Finally, it was a little difficult and tiring for me to speak always in English, particularly at the beginning. But, it’s just a detail because I spent a great week in general !

Et ensuite ? Que dire de plus ? Nous avons bien mangé (trop). J’ai dû prendre 5 kilos en plus… Nous avons visité Kokkola qui n’est pas la meilleure ville du monde mais qui est assez charmante. J’aime ces maisons (photo ci-dessus) qui me rappellent des maisons de poupées ! Enfin, c’était un peu difficile et fatiguant pour moi de parler tout le temps anglais, en particulier au début. Mais ce n’est qu’un détail car j’ai passé une super semaine en général !

Training in Kokkola!

Hello followers!
The last week of February had a training 
for volunteers in Kokkola, 
and I must say it has been great.
We were 32 volunteers from all over 
Europe (Germany, Hungary, France, Italy...), 
and a lot of spanish people ( 9 or 10). 
We did a lot of activities inside the residence
 Villa Elba, but also some outdoor, 
as do skiing (although I was more time on 
the ground than on skis haha), 
or go visit the Arctic Museum Nanoq, 
in Piertarsaari, in the middle of a forest, 
the landscapes were amazing. I loved.

Villa Elba is beautiful: you have 
an area with cottages next to the forest 
where you can go for a walk for a
 long time and being in touch with nature. 
The other side you have the sea, 
for ice- fishing, playing hockey, or throw 
yourself from a sled. Amazing.
I've met wonderful people these 
days and I hope to see them again
 soon and organize a trip. 
Actually, the last day I did not want to go.

Hola queridos seguidores!
La última semana de Febrero 
tuvimos una formación para voluntarios en Kokkola,
 y tengo que decir que ha sido genial.
Éramos 32 voluntarios de todas partes 
de Europa (Alemania, Austria, 
Francia, Italia...), y los españoles 
éramos un móntón (9 o 10 españoles). 
Hicimos un montón de actividades
 dentro de la residencia, pero también algunas 
fuera, como hacer skiing, aunque 
estuve mas tiempo en el suelo que sobre los 
skis, o ir a visitar el museo ártico Nanoq,
 en Piertarsaari, en medio de un bosque, 
los paisajes eran alucinantes. Me encantó.
Villa Elba es precioso: tienes 
una zona con cabañas al lado del bosque,
 donde puedes ir a caminar mucho 
rato y estar en contacto con la naturaleza.
 Al otro lado tienes el mar, 
para hacer ice-fishing, jugar al hockey, 
o tirarte desde un trineo. Increíble.
He conocido a maravillosas personas 
estos días y espero poder volver 
a verlas pronto y organizar algún viaje. 

Realmente, el último día no me quería ir.

International Pop-Up Cafe


poster caffé international-A4-LD

Hello everybody !

We invite you this Sunday to the international Pop-Up Cafe ! It will be a great opportunity to meet the new EVS-volunteers and artist residency guests. Join us for a nice time which will be marked by the sharing and the conviviality ! And don’t forget that it’s Valentine’s day, so bring your friends alone ! 😉

We hope to see you numerous !



Hello dear followers of the blog!

Agnieszka Gomola from Poland has been here with us now for one full year. It has been great to learn to know her and work with her.

Agnieszka has been very flexible and independent worker. She has been assisting Kattilakoski Culture Cooperative, culture associations and culture work in arranging happenings, baking, cleaning and maintenance of our properties, assisting in Suomela Camping and learning also service finnish, helping in the language lessons in the school, especially in Russian studies, arranging imaginary trips to different countries, arranging movie nights and workshops for children and youth and supervising long-term unemployed people in rehabilitative work. She has been a big help for us here!

One thing I am especially happy about is that Agnieszka found a good way of communicating even with those people who can’t speak english, by translating conversations with google translator and encouraging them to the cooperation! She became friends for example with the chairman of the cooperative, Hanna Karsikas who has earlier felt herself more like outsider in the EVS-projects. They used to go skiing together often last winter and google helped in the communication. 😀 Hanna received courage to take a bigger role in EVS-projects. She works now as a supervisor, using google and our language teacher Teuvo Marttila as her translators.

Agnieszka has just been spending her holidays she has earned during the EVS-period. She travelled to Russia and Kazakhstan with her friend Yevgeniy. She just arrived and is leaving back home in Poland on monday evening. We will miss her and we will keep contact. 🙂


Thank you Agnieszka and safe journey back! Hope to see you soon again!


How are our previous EVS-people doing?

Everyone in Kärsämäki remembers our first EVS we had via Keskipiste-Leader.  Panagiotis Panagiotakopoulos from Greece returned to Finland after doing his military service in Greece. He found a girlfriend from Kärsämäki. Panagiotis and Laura moved this autumn to Helsinki for studies.

Karolina Olchowska from Poland is now living in the Germany and working in her own field, architecture. She has an internship in an architecture office.

Georgina Cooper returned to England. Since leaving Finland, she has become very interested in culture. “I have started my own greeting cards business that has been influenced by my experience in Karsamaki” Georgina told.

Ioana Tistea stayed in Finland after EVS and she lives now in Oulu. She is a doctoral student in humanities in the university. She is researching immigrant integration processes.

Paul Lecomte returned to France, but soon he will start a new adventure. He is participating the longest swim -project with his uncle, who will swim across the Pacific Ocean! I just found again the link to the picture-blog he was keeping here. Good info about how many different things you can experience during an EVS-period!


Roberto and Daria from Italy are still here with us. I hope that they will tell here soon about their interesting projects. They have for example been participating in a theatre project in the school, planning several posters, making videos, arranging workshops and happenings, developing AIR Frosterus and developing a logo/image for the town. This autumn they started also teaching Italy to local people!

Language studies have become very popular in Kärsämäki lately. Maybe partly because we are becoming more international and there are more possibilities to use the languages. One big reason is obviously also Teuvo Marttila (language teacher), who was selected as a “person of the year in Kärsämäki” last year for a good reason. He is helping both local people and foreigners in many ways. He is also teaching finnish to our EVS-volunteers and was selected as a new mentor for EVS-people after Anniina and Elina moved away from Kärsämäki. He was already naturally behaving as a mentor, so it was easy to select him for that important task. 🙂


We have applied a new EVS project for the year 2016. We will hear the result of the application in the end of this December. If we are lucky, we can welcome here Raquel from Spain and Madeline from France in the beginning of the year 2016.


Best wishes to everyone, especially our present, previous and future EVS-volunteers!

love, Jaana